Welcome to American Alarms’ business and home security page for Dudley, Massachusetts. This informational page provides important crime data along with additional information for those living in or considering moving to Dudley.
According to the FBI Crime Database for Massachusetts’ 279 cities and towns, Dudley was ranked 221st in “Most Property Damage per 100,000” in 2013 declining from 244th in 2012. It was 117th for “Most Burglaries per 100,000” declining from 144th in 2012.
Based in New England since 1971, we’ve worked in the Dudley area for decades. We know the landscape and we have good relationships with local police and fire officials. Our team of employees (200 strong and growing) live in the communities we serve, this means our customers are our neighbors.
Dudley was first settled in 1714, and incorporated as a town in 1732, only eighteen years after it was first settled. Dudley was named after Paul and William Dudley who were land owners in the town.
When Dudley was first settled and incorporated it was known for being a farming and a manufacturing town. Two rivers in the town, the French River and the Quinebaug River, provided an excellent foundation for the growth and support of the town. Not only did the rivers provide arable land for farming, but it also provided as source of food as these rivers had a surplus of fish. The rivers also provided sites for mills to be built for manufacturing. Among the types of mills along to river were textile mills and leather shoe mills. Today there are still mills along the river.
Apart from the industry in the town, Dudley is also known for its history in helping with combat. After the Siege of Boston, in 1776, George Washington and his army camped out in Dudley. While camped here, it was said that Washington and his army seized British weaponry and stockpiled the arms in town. Less than one hundred years later in the Civil War, Dudley residents helped make up the Fifteenth Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry. This regiment served in battles such as the Battle of Ball’s Bluff and Gettysburg. Dudley was also the largest producer of the boots that were worn by the Union Army, and were called “Brogan Boots.” Today, Dudley is primarily a rural college town, home to Nichols College, and has many traces of its previous agriculture and mill industries in town.
The two local rivers the Quinebaug and the French Rivers are the main attractions in the town, and are frequented mostly in summer months. They are used for kayaking and canoeing, fishing and hunting. Among the fish in the rivers are bass, pike and trout. Many locals frequent the river for these features, but also for the calmness and mostly untouched nature of the river, which is much like it was when the area was occupied by natives.
Home security lives at the intersection of technology, service and community. American Alarm provides comprehensive home security systems for people in Dudley because our technology and customer service are unsurpassed, but also because we know their community.
Based in New England since 1971, we’ve worked in the Dudley area for decades. We know the landscape. We have good relationships with local police and fire officials. Our team of employees (200 strong and growing) live in the communities we serve, this means our customers are our neighbors.
Dudley is a close-knit community in Central Massachusetts long admired for its safe neighborhoods and pleasing quality of life. Nevertheless, home security systems are proliferating in Dudley for a variety of reasons.
Two Commuter Family Entrusts American Alarm To Protect Their Biggest Asset
Sometimes it’s the case of a two-commuter family leaving the home vacant for most of the day seeking protection for their biggest asset. In the case of one recent American Alarm customer in Dudley, the system was needed for peace-of-mind for the homeowner and her far-flung family. Our customer is an older woman, now living alone, with her adult children long since moved to distant communities. The woman, in consultation with her family, contacted us to install a home security system, including a panic button to summon for help from our 24-hour alarm monitoring staff.
If you want to learn more about the community of Dudley, MA see:
Dudley, MA, United States
Sales: 781-859-2400
Security Command Center:
FAX: 781-648-0199
Technical Support: 781-859-2600
Accounting: 781-859-2500
Human Resources: 781-859-2300
Advanced Signal: 781-963-2024
Auburn Office: 508-753-1322
Electronic Alarms, RI: 401-737-2221
Manchester, NH Office: 603-627-2002
Wallingford, CT Office (Monitor Controls): 203-269-3591
Weymouth Office (Atlas Alarm): 781-337-8866