As that old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. April also brings kids a week off from reading, writing and arithmetic.
In New England (with the exception of Connecticut and New Hampshire) spring vacation week is typically the third week in April. Without the structure of school, teens will be looking for fun things to do to occupy their time.
Unfortunately, some kids may turn to other types of not-so-fun activities. In the United States, shoplifting and arrest rates increase when students are off from school including during April school vacation.
When they don’t have regular routines, teens typically hang out at the local mall. No merchant is immune as shoplifting juveniles will steal from all kinds of stores, including big box stores, department stores, supermarkets, drug stores, and even convenience stores.
Teenagers may steal items from merchants for the thrill of it, or to impress their friends. Some of the most common items teens will steal include clothing, books, music, jewelry and anything they can fit into their pockets or purses. Read more →
NRF’s VP of Loss Prevention, Robert Moraca, Speaks On Latest Trends & NRFProtect
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamLoss prevention is a complex and costly issue for the retail industry. In this podcast, American Alarm speaks with Robert Moraca, vice president for loss prevention at the National Retail Federation. Robert discusses tools and techniques proven to reduce retail loss, as well as this week’s NRF convention in Philadelphia, where the latest information and expertise in loss prevention will be made available to all attendees. Tweet this or subscribe for to be emailed upcoming Loss Prevention Podcast episodes.
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Inspect Your Business Fire Alarm System Regularly
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamAs a building owner/business owner, it’s critical that you take all the necessary – and mandated – steps to protect the lives of your employees and your customers. Commercial fire alarm systems are critical to helping you protect your business from fire and smoke.
When operating properly, these commercial fire alarm systems can prevent loss of life and property by alerting the people in your building and your alarm company of a fire emergency.
However, you can’t count on fire alarms to offer the protection your business needs if they’re not inspected on a regular basis.
The best way to determine if your business fire alarm system is up to code or if it needs maintenance is to have it inspected by trained professionals on a regular basis – an extensive inspection and testing should be done annually. Read more →
Top Loss Prevention Conferences for 2016
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamIf you own a business, you understand the frustration of missing product. It is disheartening to put so much time and energy into your company only to find items unaccounted for when you take inventory.
Learning from the experts is a great way to improve your company’s loss prevention strategy. We have put together a list of some of the most attended and best reviewed retail loss prevention conferences around the country.
New England Loss Prevention Expo
This conference, sponsored by the Retailers Association of Massachusetts, is taking place on Thursday, September 15 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the DCU Center, 50 Foster St., Worcester, Mass. Read more →
How To Appropriately Handle Employee Theft
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamEmployee theft can take different forms. Workers can steal merchandise, money, supplies and equipment and even pad their expense accounts. Regardless of the manner of employee theft, it still hurts your business and puts you in a tough management situation.
As a business owner, you do everything you can to hire employees who are trustworthy. If you suspect that a worker is stealing from you, it’s critical that you handle the case carefully.
Here are some tips to help you deal with employee theft:
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How Your Home Security System Can Help Protect You from Door Knockers
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamThe warm weather brings some great things back to New England. Every spring we enjoy the return of wildlife, flowers, and Red Sox baseball. But warmer weather can also bring out the pests, such as ticks and mosquitoes. The spring season also brings “door knockers” to some neighborhoods. Door knockers have been reported, in many cases, to be deceptive, aggressive salespeople that sometimes use fraudulent claims to try and sell you services or gain access to your home. The Boston area has already had recent reports of suspicious solicitors going door-to-door.
The good news is that your home security system could play a big part in keeping you safe. Here is how:
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Shoplifting Rises During April School Vacation
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamAs that old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. April also brings kids a week off from reading, writing and arithmetic.
In New England (with the exception of Connecticut and New Hampshire) spring vacation week is typically the third week in April. Without the structure of school, teens will be looking for fun things to do to occupy their time.
Unfortunately, some kids may turn to other types of not-so-fun activities. In the United States, shoplifting and arrest rates increase when students are off from school including during April school vacation.
When they don’t have regular routines, teens typically hang out at the local mall. No merchant is immune as shoplifting juveniles will steal from all kinds of stores, including big box stores, department stores, supermarkets, drug stores, and even convenience stores.
Teenagers may steal items from merchants for the thrill of it, or to impress their friends. Some of the most common items teens will steal include clothing, books, music, jewelry and anything they can fit into their pockets or purses. Read more →
School Vacation Safety Tips This Spring
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamSpring vacation is just around the corner. Time for relaxation and fun. It’s a time of year many families take a break from their every day lives and travel to somewhere really warm and fun.
For other families, though, spring break means kids having to stay home alone or with a caretaker while mom and dad are at their jobs.
Whether you’re jetting off to Walt Disney World with your children or sitting in your office cubicle while they’re amusing themselves at home, it’s important to take some precautions to ensure their safety.
Here are some tips to help your kids have fun and stay safe during school vacation no matter where they are. Read more →
Spring Cleaning Safety Tips
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamA funny thing happens when we open up our windows in the spring. The oxygen which we have been deprived of through the stuffy winter months goes straight to our brain, and for a few weeks we feel like we are on top of the world! We become motivated to do all sort of crazy stuff, like clean the entire house. If spring cleaning fever has already hit you, follow these safety tips.
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Tips to Help Your Business Weather a New England Storm
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamSpring in New England comes with beautiful blooms, green grass — and the occasional late-season snow storm. This week’s nor’easter is a good example.
Here are some key tips to help make sure you successfully weather a storm. Read more →
How to Stay Safe During a Power Outage
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamNew England is known for spectacular scenery, friendly people and changeable weather. No matter the season, violent storms are always a possibility — which means power outages can strike in the middle of a July thunderstorm or during a January blizzard – and can be just as dangerous.
With winter storm Regis currently passing through New England, here are some steps you can take to ensure you and your loved ones stay safe during a power outage. Read more →