At first, a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) security system can seem like an efficient and inexpensive way to protect your home. Customers considering home security are intrigued by promises of easy installation and low or no monthly-monitoring fees.
However, after making their purchase, many have found DIY to be more difficult than they expected. While many consumers have technical skills, few have in-depth data networking expertise, knowledge in optics and lighting, or familiarity with local building and fire codes, as examples. Further, the unexpected time required to troubleshoot can be frustrating, thereby causing the project to be put on hold, sometimes indefinitely, leaving you and your family unprotected. There are times when you simply need a professional to “get it done.” Remote telephone or chat-room support has its place. But even at its best, it can’t compare to a licensed seasoned professional onsite to help you.
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Tips from Law Enforcement to Keep the Real-Life Grinches Away
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamAh, it’s that most wonderful time of the year again. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Bad guys waiting for you to let your guard down so they can ruin your plans for a festive season.
With the holidays right around the corner, we reached out to local Massachusetts police departments to ask what you can do to protect your packages as well as your homes from those real-life greedy grinches.
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4 Ways Employees Can Compromise Your Network Security
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamIf you ask CIOs and business owners what keeps them up at night one of the answers you’ll hear most often is securing their corporate networks and their sensitive data.
However, the risks don’t just come from bad guys outside an organization; rather some of the greatest threats to an enterprise’s data security often come from the very people entrusted with protecting it–its employees.
Of course, that doesn’t mean workers intentionally compromise their companies’ networks and data. What it may mean, though, is that they haven’t received the proper security training, or the security policies of the business aren’t being properly enforced.
Here are four ways employees can compromise your network security–and what you can do to prevent it:
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When You Should Change Your Door Locks
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamAlthough the best way to protect your family and your valuables is by installing a home security system, changing the locks on your doors is also an important safety measure that you shouldn’t overlook.
If you’re like most people, you probably haven’t given much thought to getting new or at least re-keying the existing locks.
That doesn’t mean you have to change your door locks on a regular basis the way you have to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Rather, there are certain times when you should consider replacing or re-keying the locks on your doors, including:
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How to Save Money on Turkey Day
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamIf you have ever hosted a Thanksgiving meal, you know how pricey it can be. Between buying food and decorating your home, the bill can add up quickly. So this Thanksgiving, don’t spend more money than you have to on your energy bill. Follow these five tips to make your Thanksgiving both fun and frugal!
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Wearable Safety Devices for Kids
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamAs a parent, the most important job you have is keeping your child or children safe. Installing a home security system can help protect them when they’re at home, but how do you keep an eye on them when they’re not?
Well, the answer might be found in new lightweight, wearable location devices designed specifically for kids that come in a number of designs—including a smartwatch that’s also a smartphone. Here are four wearable safety devices for you to check out:
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The 6 Worst Places To Hide Your Valuables
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamContrary to popular opinion, hiding your family jewels or other valuables in unusual places won’t keep the bad guys from stealing them—but it might make it a little more difficult.
You can be sure if a burglar breaks into your home, he’s going to tear it apart trying to find all your valuable items. However, he’s probably not too keen on spending a whole lot of time ransacking the place.
The longer it takes, the greater the chance he’s going to be caught. So don’t make it easy by hiding your money or your expensive items in the spots where he’ll look first.
Here are the six worst places to hide your valuables:
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The Downside of DIY: Why You Shouldn’t Self Monitor
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamAt first, a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) security system can seem like an efficient and inexpensive way to protect your home. Customers considering home security are intrigued by promises of easy installation and low or no monthly-monitoring fees.
However, after making their purchase, many have found DIY to be more difficult than they expected. While many consumers have technical skills, few have in-depth data networking expertise, knowledge in optics and lighting, or familiarity with local building and fire codes, as examples. Further, the unexpected time required to troubleshoot can be frustrating, thereby causing the project to be put on hold, sometimes indefinitely, leaving you and your family unprotected. There are times when you simply need a professional to “get it done.” Remote telephone or chat-room support has its place. But even at its best, it can’t compare to a licensed seasoned professional onsite to help you.
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How To Make Your Home Hard To Hack
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamIf you think a bad guy has to physically break into your home to steal from you, you might want to think again. As more devices in your home become connected to the Internet—the Internet of Things (IoT)—the more data they can gather about you like Social Security numbers, bank account, and credit card information.
That’s why cybercriminals are turning their attention to hacking into common household devices, including refrigerators, TVs, thermostats, and even baby monitors to crack your home network and gain access to valuable personal information.
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Systems Technicians: The Best Kept Career Opportunity Secret
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamThere is an interesting paradox playing out in the security systems technician field both locally and across the country. At a time when the industry is growing and new technologies are driving the market, fewer people are seeking jobs in the field.
In Massachusetts, for example, over the past 15 years the number of people holding Systems Technicians licenses (low voltage C & D) has decreased by 21%. The big question is why?
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4 Apps to Keep Trick-or-Treaters Safe
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamFor the first time, your little monsters, princesses, superheroes, and hobgoblins may be roaming the neighborhood without you on All Hallow’s Eve. Understandably, you’re a bit worried.
Well, there are a number of safety apps out there that you can download that will allow you to keep tabs on your kids and give you piece of mind. Here are four of them:
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