5 Summer Safety Tips for the Beach
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamIf you’re like the rest of us here on the East Coast, when you think summer, you think of the beach. You pack up your bathing suits, flip flops, sunscreen, your favorite iDevice–or maybe a real hard copy book–and take off for a day or a week at the inviting waters of the Atlantic, or the tranquil, crystal clear waters of one of New England’s many lakes.
Of course, before you leave, the first thing you should do is test your home security system, ensure it’s working properly, and alert your provider if you’re planning to be away for more than a day. In addition, here are some tips to ensure you and your family stay healthy and safe while you’re frolicking at the water’s edge.
Summer Safety Tips
/by American Alarm Blogging TeamSummer is here (finally) and that means spending more time outside enjoying pool parties, outdoor barbecues, fireworks and all kinds of fun activities — it shouldn’t mean treating burns, bandaging cuts, icing bruises, or trips to the emergency room.
Follow our summer safety tips below to help you and your family have a fun and safe summer:
1. Don’t let the heat spoil your fun in the sun.
Drink lots of water and don’t work or play too hard in the hot weather. Take some breaks in the shade or inside your home.
2. Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
Limit exposure to the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when UV rays are most powerful. Wear sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays. Wraparound frames work best because they protect your eyes and the sensitive area around them. Wear hats with wide brims and slather on the sunscreen — SPF 15 or higher.
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