How New Tech Makes Critical-Condition Monitoring More Effective

Maintaining precise control over laboratory environments is critical in the biotech world. As innovations in cloud technology and advanced monitoring systems continue to evolve, they make environmental monitoring in labs faster, easier, and more customizable.

These cutting-edge tools provide real-time data and alerts and leverage cloud connectivity to make it easier than ever to detect and respond to changes in the lab environment.
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Benefits of Cloud-Based Security for Biotech and Beyond

With technology advancing rapidly, strong security measures are now more important than ever. Cloud-based systems are the best choice for securing data and facilities in sensitive sectors like biotech. But, the benefits are applicable across many industries.

Read on to learn about the transformative benefits of cloud-based security systems for companies.
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An image of a city with lines illustrating the concept of mesh networks

Mesh Networks and Smart Home Security: What You Need to Know

It used to be that your WIFI was your own unless you specified otherwise. Yet, with the entry of mesh networks, users can’t always be sure that their internet connection is private. Smart doorbells, virtual AI assistants and other smart home devices are increasingly connected via communal WIFI rather than independent routers. These mesh networks are especially growing in popularity with big tech companies who wish to integrate large numbers of smart home devices into one massive network that they say will increase connectivity and reliability.

If you’re concerned about mesh networks, what they are, how they work, and if they’re right for you, read on to learn more. 

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home tablet controller

Smart Approaches for Homeowners Who Want to Go Greener for Earth Day

home tablet controllerEarth Day has brought to mind ways homeowners can do their part and save some green! Smart technology can be the answer to your energy woes. Smart technology may help save homeowners up to 50% in annual energy bills. The average American uses roughly $1,200 annually on electricity alone. That could be a savings of $600 annually. What could you do with $600?

The decrease in energy usage comes in large part from the increased control homeowners receive over their energy output. This is because most smart tech devices sync with an app you can access from your phone, which gives you the ability to monitor, adjust, or switch off your devices as needed.

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visualized data map on top of clouds

What Will 2021 Hold for High-Tech Security in New England?

visualized data map on top of cloudsThere is no doubt that in the last year the security landscape has changed for New England businesses as well as businesses across the globe. 2020 brought with it an upheaval of long-held business practices, forcing many companies to rethink the way they operate in order to survive. Greater reliance on technology was the immediate and natural response, but this came with a series of security issues such as increased phishing and malware scams that threatened many companies.

This rise in cybersecurity threats has pushed security tech companies to devise new or evolved ways to combat cyber and physical security bad actors. As we enter 2021, there are several clear high-tech security trends that have emerged. Let’s take a look at a few of the major ones that are expected to radically change how businesses operate in the future.

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