Two people discussing a business security CCTV project. Video security equipment and blueprint on a table.

The Importance of a Commercial Security Needs Analysis

Two people discussing a business security CCTV project. Video security equipment and blueprint on a table.There are an average of over 400,000 commercial burglaries each year. For some business owners, this information is enough to convince them it’s time to install a commercial surveillance system on their property to boost their business security.

However, according to David Oles, Integrated Systems Consultant for American Alarm, a surveillance system all on its own won’t bring business owners the security they’re after. “[Business owners] think they need to install cameras for security to catch people when they break in, but that’s not [always] the right solution.

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A front door to a house with Halloween decorations, a reminder of Halloween home security

Three Halloween Home Security Risks for 2021

A front door to a house with Halloween decorations, a reminder of Halloween home securityHalloween, the holiday of candy, costumes, and…crime? Halloween home security should be an autumn priority.

Unfortunately Halloween sits well above the national daily average in terms of residential insurance claims for both property damage (17% higher) and theft (60% higher). Add to that an increase in violent crime of 50% on Halloween night, and it’s safe to say that this holiday truly earns its spooky reputation. 

While there may be risks associated with this fun-but-frightening holiday, there are also ways to stay safe. You just have to know what to prepare for. Keep the following Halloween home security risks in mind to ensure that the only thing you need to be scared of this October 31st is the latest creature feature on TV.

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Broken door window, Business Security Tips

Business Security Tips

While you might have been covered in the past, you might want to upgrade, update, and implement new or better business security measures to ensure that you are protected in the future. Otherwise, you risk endangering your business. Read on for our business security tips.

Cover Your Entire Brick and Mortar with Video Surveillance

Partial video surveillance isn’t enough anymore. You may have portions of your location monitored by surveillance, but if you want to give yourself the best chance of deterring theft and break-ins, a full-scale surveillance strategy is imperative. Ensure that your front and back entrances, as well as your public floors and back rooms are completely covered by a high-quality video surveillance system.

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Security camera on blurred background of people in the cafe, concept of security and safety, protect your business

Ways to Protect Your Business Against Theft and Other Threats

Security camera on blurred background of people in the cafe, concept of security and safetyBrick and mortar businesses can be the target of several types of crimes. If you have been the victim of a crime, or if you are worried about becoming one, you need to implement greater security measures. Let’s dig into some ways you can protect your business in the future from some of the most common threats.


  • Use a Better Security System: A lock and key isn’t going to cut it anymore. A security system deters roughly 60% of would-be burglars. Keep your business equipped with a burglar alarm system built to alert you to intruders with speed and efficiency.

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Person putting travel bags in a car trunk

How to Protect Yourself from Car Theft and Break-ins

Person putting travel bags in a car trunkVehicle theft and car break-ins are on the rise in New England. In fact, Connecticut alone has seen a 42% rise in vehicle thefts and break-ins over the last year. Many residents have grown concerned about the waves of car-related crimes and wonder how to keep their vehicles safe.

Reports show that these crimes are considered opportunistic, rather than planned in most cases. This means thieves are on the prowl specifically for unlocked or isolated vehicles. They are unlikely to commit the crime if they can clearly see that the area is monitored by video surveillance, or if there is an evident alarm on the car. Instead, they will move on to a more vulnerable vehicle.

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Landscape design with plants and flowers at residential house. Scenic view of nice landscaped garden in backyard.

How to Equip Your Yard and Garden for Better Home Security

Landscape design with plants and flowers at residential house. Scenic view of nice landscaped garden in backyard.The average burglary costs a homeowner $2800. That’s a family vacation, half a year’s worth of car payments, or a new update you needed to make on your home gone in one moment. You don’t want that. No one does. What can you do about it?

One major thing you may not have thought of yet is to secure your home’s garden. This includes your front and back yards, shed, and any other part of your outdoor property. 

Securing your yard and garden works to deter burglars because most burglars are looking for properties with easy access. If your home’s exterior is clearly protected, you’re less likely to be burgled

Check out these five ways to use your property’s exterior for better home security. Implement them right away to ensure you and your belongings stay safe in your home.

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Woman Stealing Clothes From Store

Shoplifting Rises During April School Vacation

Woman Stealing Clothes From Store

New England store owners lose billions of dollars annually in stolen merchandise. In Massachusetts alone, shrinkage due to shoplifting reached approximately one billion dollars last year. While the largest spike in shoplifting occurs during the holiday season, April is also a month in which shoplifting is more common, as youth are usually on spring break during this time.

The majority of shoplifting crimes are committed by people ages 35-54. However, approximately 25% of all shoplifters are under the age of 18. This means that your store needs to take extra precautions during the month of April, when teens are out of school and therefore have more opportunity to shop – and potentially shoplift.

If you want to protect your business from an increase in shoplifting, or if you’d like to work to eliminate instances of shoplifting, take a look at the following tips. These actionable pieces of advice can ensure that your business remains as profitable as possible this April and beyond.

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Wallet with cash inside sitting on a stone hand rail

Security Technology to Help Find Lost Items

Wallet with cash inside sitting on a stone hand railThe average person spends ten minutes per day looking for a lost item. That’s nearly 2.5 days per year spent trying to retrieve glasses, keys, wallets, and other valuables that have slipped out of sight.

What’s more, Americans spend over 2.7 billion dollars per year in replacement costs for lost goods. Yet, in 2020, there’s no need to waste money replacing what’s been lost. Here are several technology tools you can use to ensure that you always keep track of your most valuable possessions. 

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intrusion of a burglar in a house inhabited

How Burglars Think: How to Outsmart Them

intrusion of a burglar in a house inhabited

Every New England home or business owner wants to protect their property from burglars. Such invaders are a real threat today. According to the FBI, in 2018, the most recent full year with available statistics, there were 1.2 million burglaries in the United States. This represents some 17 percent of all property crime.

Naturally, you can take basic steps to defend yourself, such as locking doors and windows when you are absent, alerting neighbors if you are going on vacation, and so on. To take it a step further, however, try to think a bit like a burglar and develop your defensive strategies accordingly.

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Caught in The Act: Video Verified Alarm Systems Improve Police Response Time to Business Burglaries

blog-post-image-video-verification-headline-image copyTry typing “how to break into a store with an alarm” into Google search, and you’ll be startled to see almost 15 million results.

Businesses without alarms are 4.5 times more likely to be burglarized than those that do have them. But even a great alarm system won’t always stop the most tenacious burglars from trying.

The good news is, business security systems that protect retail, dealerships, schools, warehouses, construction sites, mom and pop shops, residences, and more, are evolving. And modern technology is leading to higher apprehension rates, fewer false alarms, and more comprehensive protection.

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