How to Improve the Physical Security of Your Small Business

Burglar using special tools to break in a houseAs more and more small businesses fall victim to data breaches, it’s understandable that you would invest resources to beef up your cybersecurity efforts.

However, it’s equally as important that you continually address the physical security needs of your company to protect against theft and vandalism.

Here are some steps you can take to help you improve your firm’s physical security:

    • Be sure your business security system includes redundant communications and a back-up battery – Your system must be able to send an emergency signal under any circumstances. Redundant communication channels and battery back-up mean your system will still be functional and able to send an alarm signal when help is needed, even in the event of a power failure or if your phone line goes dead.

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5 Cybersecurity Tips for Online Holiday Shopping

Stealing a credit card through a laptop concept for computer hacker, network security and electronic banking security

As you rush to finish all your online holiday shopping, you could become a victim of cyber crime

In fact, one out of four holiday shoppers has been a victim of an online hack in the past 12 months, according to a recent CNET survey.

Here are five ways to protect yourself while shopping online so you can keep your bank accounts and credit cards safe.

    1. Update your device’s mobile operating system – Be sure you’re running the latest version of the operating system on your phone, tablet and computer because it’s more likely that the older versions are not as secure. You should also confirm that your anti-virus/anti-spyware software is running and being updated automatically.

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Preventing Retail Chaos and Organized Crime on Black Friday

In episode 2 of our Loss Prevention Podcast Series, National Retail Federation’s Vice President of Loss Prevention, Bob Moraca, speaks about his take on organized retail crime, loss prevention strategies and how retailers can prepare themselves for the chaos and potential hazards of the upcoming Black Friday shopping mania.

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NRF’s VP of Loss Prevention, Robert Moraca, Speaks On Latest Trends & NRFProtect

Loss prevention is a complex and costly issue for the retail industry. In this podcast, American Alarm speaks with Robert Moraca, vice president for loss prevention at the National Retail Federation. Robert discusses tools and techniques proven to reduce retail loss, as well as this week’s NRF convention in Philadelphia, where the latest information and expertise in loss prevention will be made available to all attendees. Tweet this or subscribe for to be emailed upcoming Loss Prevention Podcast episodes.

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Top Loss Prevention Conferences for 2016

iStock_000060897742_MediumIf you own a business, you understand the frustration of missing product. It is disheartening to put so much time and energy into your company only to find items unaccounted for when you take inventory.

Learning from the experts is a great way to improve your company’s loss prevention strategy. We have put together a list of some of the most attended and best reviewed retail loss prevention conferences around the country.

New England Loss Prevention Expo

This conference, sponsored by the Retailers Association of Massachusetts, is taking place on Thursday, September 15 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the DCU Center, 50 Foster St., Worcester, Mass. Read more

How To Appropriately Handle Employee Theft

employee theftEmployee theft can take different forms. Workers can steal merchandise, money, supplies and equipment and even pad their expense accounts. Regardless of the manner of employee theft, it still hurts your business and puts you in a tough management situation.

As a business owner, you do everything you can to hire employees who are trustworthy. If you suspect that a worker is stealing from you, it’s critical that you handle the case carefully.

Here are some tips to help you deal with employee theft:
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