Welcome to American Alarms’ business and home security page for Essex, Massachusetts. This informational page provides important crime data along with additional information for those living in or considering moving to Essex.
According to the FBI Crime Database for Massachusetts’ 279 cities and towns, Essex was ranked 215th in “Most Property Damage per 100,000” in 2013 declining from 225th in 2012. It was 204th for “Most Burglaries per 100,000” declining from 255th in 2012.
Based in New England since 1971, we’ve worked in the Essex area for decades. We know the landscape and we have good relationships with local police and fire officials. Our team of employees (200 strong and growing) live in the communities we serve, this means our customers are our neighbors.
Essex Resident Installs Custom Home Security System Including Pool Alert
American Alarm installed an integrated home security system in a newly constructed home in Essex last year. The design included a home security system, fire alarm, a pool alert and a driveway sensor. The home security system allows for complete freedom of movement for the occupants and at the same time provides complete security should any opening be breached. The pool alert complies with the current building code that requires a sounder to activate should any door that leads directly to the pool area be opened.
Driveway Sensors Track Who Is Coming Down The Road
Of all the components installed the one that the owner appreciates most is the driveway sensor. The driveway is about 200 yards long, thickly wooded and hides the house completely from view. The system is designed so that a car driving up will alert the occupants inside the house with a distinctive tone, (the volume is adjustable) as well as outside in the backyard pool area via outdoor sounder. These sensors also trigger the driveway lights to come on as a car drives up. Providing both convenience for the owners and a deterrence for an uninvited guest.
Another feature of this system is an exit shunt. This allows the owner to exit the premises early in the morning with out tripping the sounders in the house and waking the remaining occupants.
If you want to learn more about the community of Essex, MA see:
Essex, MA, United States
Sales: 781-859-2400
Security Command Center:
FAX: 781-648-0199
Technical Support: 781-859-2600
Accounting: 781-859-2500
Human Resources: 781-859-2300
Advanced Signal: 781-963-2024
Auburn Office: 508-753-1322
Electronic Alarms, RI: 401-737-2221
Manchester, NH Office: 603-627-2002
Wallingford, CT Office (Monitor Controls): 203-269-3591
Weymouth Office (Atlas Alarm): 781-337-8866