Let us protect what you value most.
We offer customized solutions for all types of businesses.
Our Service in 24 Hours Guarantee promises that all priority service calls will have a technician on site within 24-hours, or we won't charge for the trip or the first 1/2 hour of labor. We also have our technical support staff on call 24-7 to respond to urgent customer questions.
Learn what makes us New England’s trusted security company.
Welcome to American Alarms’ business and home security page for Boston, Massachusetts. This informational page provides important crime data along with additional information for those living in or considering moving to Boston.
According to the FBI Crime Database for Massachusetts’ 279 cities and towns, Boston was ranked 31st in “Most Property Damage per 100,000” in 2013 improving from 29th in 2012. However, it was 64th for “Most Burglaries per 100,000” declining from 73rd in 2012. Contact American Alarm to stay informed when 2014 crime data in Boston is available.
Based in New England since 1971, we’ve worked in the Boston area for decades. We know the landscape. We have good relationships with local police and fire officials. Our team of employees (200 strong and growing) live in the communities we serve, this means our customers are our neighbors.
When most people think of residential customers they think of homeowners and landlords. American Alarm services much more than that in our residential market. One such Boston customer is a General Contractor.
We work with many licensed contractors to install quality home security and fire alarm systems as they are building new homes. When the home is sold the new owners will contact us to sign up for our alarm monitoring service. This contractor in particular was not working with new construction. He was working on renovations of existing condos in South Boston that were on a tight schedule. Our Integrated Systems Specialist recommended a home security system and fire alarm system installed to meet Boston Fire and Massachusetts code for each of the units. After some creative scheduling by our installation department we were able to provide quality integrated alarm systems while keeping the contractor on schedule.
If you want to learn more about the community of Boston, MA see:
Sales: 781-859-2400
Security Command Center:
FAX: 781-648-0199
Technical Support: 781-859-2600
Accounting: 781-859-2500
Human Resources: 781-859-2300
Advanced Signal: 781-963-2024
Auburn Office: 508-753-1322
Electronic Alarms, RI: 401-737-2221
Manchester, NH Office: 603-627-2002
Wallingford, CT Office (Monitor Controls): 203-269-3591
Weymouth Office (Atlas Alarm): 781-337-8866